Mount Nebo Missionary Baptist Church History
"We have heard with our ears, O God, our fathers have told us, what work thou didst in their days, in the times of old."
-Psalms 44:1
The Mount Nebo Missionary Baptist Church was organized by Rev. J. C. McFarland in 1921 in a building on South 31st Street between Pacific and Pierce.
In 1922, Rev. McFarland and the congregation of Mount Nebo selected a new place of worship on the North side of Omaha at 26th and Franklin Street. Rev. McFarland served as Pastor until 1924. Having been called to another pastorate, he moved from the city of Omaha.
In the fall of 1924, a call was extended to Rev. Frank K. Union by the members. He pastored the church 11 years.
During Mount Nebo's early history, there were many difficulties in establishing a permanent place of worship. Because the property at 26th and Franklin Street was rental property, it was sold. A temporary place of worship was needed. The members of the Freestone Primitive Baptist Church on 26th and Caldwell Street made available the use of a small annex at the rear of their church.
What could have been the end of the Mount Nebo Baptist Church, are the events that follows:
During this time, there was in existence the Spring Hill Baptist Church on 33rd and Emmet Street. The membership had been left without a pastor, Rev. J. H. Bruce. A call was given by the members of Spring Hill to Rev. Union, who was still serving as pastor of Mount Nebo, and he accepted. During a called business meeting, the two congregations voted to consolidate and become as one congregation. The unified body worshipped at 33rd and Emmet Street for seven years. The building was destroyed by fire in 1933.
In the book of Acts, it is told that the church was held often times in the homes of various believers, and so we find that true of Mount Nebo. The home of Mrs. Cornelious Wood, which was located on 32nd and Pinkney Street on the North side of the Street, served as another place of worship. The large Victorian house soon became too small and in 1933 Mount Nebo purchased the property at 3211 Pinkney Street.

Rev. Union became ill and passed away on November 20, 1935. Other pastors that followed were:
- Rev. Columbus Union, son of the late pastor -1935-1936.
- Rev. Joseph Gates of Council Bluffs, Iowa -1936-1938.
- Rev. Otto Pruitt -1938-1939.
- Rev. James P. Mosley -1939-1948.
- Rev. Foster S. Goodlett - 1948-1954.
- Rev. Ernest Benson -1954-1955.
- Rev. Claude C. Williams -1955-1957.
A Young Minister is Called
On April 17, 1957, the church called a young man from the Salem Baptist Church in Omaha,Rev. John Henry Whittington. Pastor Whittington was installed on May 26, 1957. After serving the church nine years, Pastor Whittington presided over a Dedication Service celebrating completion of a new edifice for the Mount Nebo Baptist Church, at 3211 Pinkney Street.
Thru God's grace and the untiring efforts of Pastor Whittington and the membership, the church continued to grow, until more space was needed. The church was faced with a new challenge.
On August 4, 1985 the Mount Nebo Baptist Church purchased the Immanuel Baptist Church as a new place of worship -"Praise God!"
On March 9, 1986, following the morning worship service with a police escort, Pastor Whittington and the Mount Nebo Church Family traveled by motorcade to its present place of worship - 5501 North 50th Street.

God has also blessed in material ways by allowing the church to meet the needs of the congregation:
* Burning of the Church Mortgage - October 22, 1995.
* Addition of the Bus Barn: Dedication Ceremony -June 28, 1998
* A Scholarship Fund for aspiring youth was established in 1996 and many other blessings have followed that are too numerous to name.The church continued to grow under the faithful leadership of Pastor John H. Whittington. He and his family served the church with diligence and devotion. Rev. Whittington served as Pastor of the Mount Nebo Baptist Church until 2003. Pastor John H. Whittington went to his reward on April 24, 2003. The Homegoing Celebration was held on Friday, May 2, 2003.
The Mount Nebo Church has witnessed many changes and weathered the storms and the highs and lows during the 46 years of Rev. John H. Whittington's pastorate. The church has been blessed to have had continued leadership, a very rare privilege. Mount Nebo is grateful for his years of teaching, preaching and rendering service to the Mount Nebo Church and to the community as well.During the period of 2004 – 2005, Rev. Alphonza Whitaker, an associate minister, served as interim pastor for the Mount Nebo Baptist Church.
“Setting A Watchman Over The House”
The Pastor's Search Committee and the Mount Nebo Missionary Baptist Church interacted with Rev. Terry L. Arvie of Shreveport, Louisiana as a possible candidate for Pastor. On Sunday, August 15, 2004, Rev. Terry L. Arvie preached his first sermon at Mount Nebo - "The Prayer of Jesus" John 17:1.
On a celebration weekend on June 4-5, 2005, Rev. Terry L. Arvie was installed as pastor by his father, Rev. Dr. Hearnest Arvie, the late Pastor of the Cathedral of Faith Missionary Baptist Church of Lake Charles, Louisiana. Mount Nebo has happily embraced Rev. Terry Arvie, and Sis. Pamela Arvie as First Lady of Mount Nebo. Their children Krysten, Jennifer, Taylor, Terry II, Ra'Daniel, and Abigail have won the hearts of the entire membership.
Setting A Watchman Over The House", (Ezekiel 33:7) The selected Installation theme, has proved to have become a reality for the members of Mount Nebo. For such has been the case since the arrival of Rev. Terry L. Arvie. Many changes have been established since he has been set as the watchman. The Pulpit, the John B. Rogers Conference Room, the Vestibule and Hallway, and the Church Administrative Offices have been renovated. New Men's and Women's Restroom facilities has been added along with 14 new parking stalls. Our technological capabilities have also been upgraded under his visionary leadership.
It is the prayer of the Mount Nebo Missionary Baptist Church that we run with the vision of a unified church, doing all that is done, to the glory of God.
“So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me” Ezekiel 33: 7
May God continue to bless us in the future as He has in the past.