Counselors and New Members Ministry

Minister Cleophas Tipler, Ministry Leader


Mission Statement

"The purpose of the Counselors & New Members Ministry is to provide a venue for new believers of the body of Christ, as well as new members to the Mt. Nebo Baptist Church to gain and solidify an understanding of the fundamental principles for which we base our Christian beliefs. To teach the truth of God’s word, to help students to know Christ. To guide them in understanding and sharing God’s Word. To impress upon them an ultimate need to know Jesus and make Him their personal Savior, whereby they can be saved. To stress to them from the first lesson through the last, that God is the only one who can and does assure us of:

  • Salvation
  • Answered Prayer
  • Victory
  • Forgiveness
  • Guidance

To motivate new believers and new members to complete the class and move on to designated classes within the Body of Christ."